Prayer Chain
The Prayer Chain at Auchterderran Kinglassie Church has been going since 2020.
A group of people pass on prayer requests over the phone, with texts or via email on Tuesday evenings.
We pray for current situations and events in our world and in our church. We also pray for individuals for whom we receive a request which we treat confidential.
“Lord, when life’s circumstances challenge us
Teach us to accept your direction.
Help us to remember that all things
Can be used for good”.
Prayer Activity
March takes us through the steps to complete a prayer activity from Thy Kingdom Come.
This Month's Prayers
November/December 2024
Hebrews 12,2:
Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from beginning to end
We praised God:
That HIS wisdom cannot be measured
That HE doesn’t give up on us
That HE has sent HIS son to earth so we can be reconciled with HIM
We thanked God:
That HE cares for us
For all who serve Him faithfully
For the wealth of Christian songs
For good news when test results came back clear
We prayed:
For individuals requesting prayer
For anyone waiting on an operation
For a good recovery from operations or illness
For all coming to terms with a loss
For those who hold power in this world and that they realise they need God’s grace
For God’s guidance as our government is working on a bill for assisted dying
For the church and ourselves to be guided in the above matter
For the delegates gathered for COP29
For those working in conservation
For all affected by drought, storms, floods and wildfires
For the Drug, Alcohol & Psychotherapies Limited (DAPL) as they help people to break free from addiction
For people who find themselves in dark places
For all who feel that they are sinking in the storms of life
For all who are in dangerous, violent surroundings
For the work of the Samaritans
For the work of the Salvation Army
For the homeless and all who live in unsafe houses
For those who had to move homes
For all who are under additional pressure in the run up to Christmas
For our neighbours
For our friends
For our families
For all who seek to proclaim the good news of the gospel
That this good news reaches all people on earth
For ministers and manse families
For all though they don’t or can’t attend services are supporting our church fellowship
For upcoming events in our churches
For God to bless all who are organising and contributing to the events
That the Christmas Fayre at Kinglassie will go well
For the Christmas Fayre of the Guild
For the AK Singers and the Singalong to be joyful and blessed
That Advent time will be a time for reflection
For the various services held in Fife for Christmas
That many will seek the Kingdom of Heaven
That God’s word will reach many