Enter to worship, leave to serve.

It is our hope and joy to come together and share our fellowship, our faith and to bring the love of God to all.


Reverend Donald Lawrie

At Auchterderran Kinglassie Parish Church, it's our mission to help you explore your relationship with God and improve those meaningful relationships in your family life.

Join us each Sunday and experience the warmth of faith and the strength of our community.

Services are in one church each Sunday – All services will begin at 10.30am.

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Dear Friends,

As we are now well into the new year, I hope Christmas and the turning of the year was a happy occasion for you. For those who have found it more challenging one benefit of being a member of the Church, is remembering, we are never alone. Our faith community seeks to reach out to all and all of our members should have received a Christmas card this year. So in 2024 we will be in touch even more! Our aim is to maintain better contact. As well as our other media platforms, this communication should be coming to you via a resurrected quarterly newsletter and why?

Communication is important!

I always find it a curious thing that in an age of mass communication and new communication technology we are in more contact than ever yet and still struggle to have meaningful communication.

People often tell me you don’t have to go to Church to be a good Christian but I wonder if that is true? I think I know what they mean but I also hear laments about how people don’t get together anymore like they used to. I guess this indicates a longing for days when we did more of everything, together, in person and in one place. When all is said and done we are social animals, we need contact and presence, and without a word on spirituality, gathering for the worship of God will remain central to who we because of what we are.

It was told to me a long time ago, on this matter, being together is like being a piece of coal in the fire. Huddled together each coal feeds off the energy of the other yet if one falls out onto the hearth, what then? It will burn for a time and even give off a little heat, yet it will not be too long before it grows cold and dies. A good illustration which suggests remaining a good Christian out with the community of faith only leads to spiritual death in the long run. So once again I am inviting all who are able be part of the worshiping community on a regular basis. People have been blessed by our monthly cluster worship so come and see what this is all about.

If you value your bible here are some words from the book of Hebrews 10 to consider.

"23  Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24  And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25  not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

I hope you agree with the importance of good communication and look forward to seeing you all communicate with our Lord on a daily and weekly basis for he is the saviour of the world.

Yours in his service

Donald Lawrie

(Minister of A&K PC)


New Service Pattern

